Ploi API
Ploi API

Create site file backup

Create site file backup

POST api/backups/files


Parameter Type Status Description
backup_configuration integer required The ID of your backup configuration that's configured in your profile
server integer required The ID of the server that the databases are in
sites array required An array containing the ID's of the sites you want to back up
interval integer required Must be either of these values: weekly, daily, monthly
path object required The paths per site ID to be backed up
keep_backup_amount integer optional This is used to determine how many backups should be saved
custom_name string optional This is used to define a custom archive name

Example request:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
   --data '{
    "backup_configuration": 1,
    "server": 1,
    "sites": [
    "path": {
        "1": "/home/ploi/",
        "2": "/home/ploi/"
    "keep_backup_amount": 2

Example response:

Content-Type: application/json

    "status": "ok",
    "message": "2 site file backup(s) have been created"