Ploi API
Ploi API

Uninstall Statamic

Uninstall Statamic on your domain

If you've used the repository creation for this installation, do not worry, the remote repository will not get removed.

DELETE api/servers/{server}/sites/{id}/statamic

Example request:

curl -X DELETE "{server}/sites/{id}/statamic" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "status": "statamic-uninstalling",
        "server_id": 1,
        "domain": "",
        "test_domain": null,
        "deploy_script": false,
        "web_directory": "/public",
        "project_type": null,
        "project_root": "/",
        "last_deploy_at": null,
        "system_user": "ploi",
        "php_version": 7.4,
        "health_url": null,
        "has_repository": false,
        "zero_downtime_deployment": false,
        "fastcgi_cache": false,
        "created_at": "2021-01-01 00:00:00"
    "message": "Statamic is being uninstalled"